Leg Vein Treatment
What is a Leg Vein treatment?
A Leg Vein treatment uses a laser to eliminate veins on the legs or on other areas of the skin.
A laser or light based device, sometimes combined with radiofrequency is used to target the blood and destroy the vessel. Treatments are sometimes uncomfortable, but most people see results almost immediately. A series of at least three treatments is usually needed at eight to twelve week intervals. Like laser hair removal, it should not be performed on patients who are pregnant or breast feeding.
What does a Leg Vein treatment do?
The laser targets the blood in the vein and destroys it. Amazing results can be achieved on a variety of veins, from the larger deep blue ones to the tiny superficial red ones.
What happens during a Leg Vein treatment?
Before your Leg Vein treatment the area will be cleaned and we will take pictures of your veins to monitor your progress. We will provide you with eye protection before your Leg Vein treatment. We will apply cold gel on your skin to transmit the light and blow cold air on your skin to keep you comfortable during the Leg Vein treatment. We will also place a vibrating distractor on the your skin for further comfort during your Leg Vein treatment. The Leg Vein treatment feels like a hot rubber band snapping on your skin. The Leg Vein treatment takes just a few minutes and you can resume your normal activities right away.
Leg Vein Treatment Demonstration
Leg Vein Treatment Demonstration
When will I see the results of my Leg Vein treatment?
You will see the results of your Leg Vein treatment slowly over time. Dr. Alex recommends a series of three Leg Vein treatments done every two to three months.
How long will the results of my Leg Vein treatment last?
The Leg Vein treatment will permanently remove veins. However, people that have veins are often prone to getting more veins. This is common in people who stand for prolonged periods or frequently wear high heels. In such cases, Leg Vein treatments may be necessary to treat new veins that appear.
What should I do after a Leg Vein treatment?
After a Leg Vein treatment, avoid heat exposure, alcohol consumption, and strenuous exercise for 24 hours. Heat exposure refers to staying outdoors for prolonged periods in the hot sun. Also avoid hot environments indoors such as a hot bath, sauna or steam room. Additionally, avoid hot or spicy foods or drinks such as soup, hot coffee, and hot tea (iced coffee and iced tea are okay). Strenuous exercise is anything that causes you to sweat or become short of breath. All of these things can cause problems like redness, blisters, and discoloration. Your skin may be red or swollen for a day or two after a Leg Vein treatment. This is normal. You can apply cold compresses like ice packs on your toes to keep yourself comfortable. Sometimes the vein can get darker and look like a bruise after a Leg Vein treatment. This is normal and it will go away on its own. You don't need to do anything; just be patient.
Additional Notes:
This is a service to be performed at the A E Skin office in Encino, CA. Patients must be in overall good health. Patients cannot be pregnant, breast feeding, or trying to become pregnant. Patients may not have used Accutane within the last 12 months. New patients must complete medical history paperwork and have a consultation (which may be done on the day of treatment). Patients must sign consent form for each treatment. As with all medical treatments provided by A E Skin, treatment itself if performed at the discretion of Dr. Alex Eshaghian. If you are a not a candidate for the procedure purchased, your purchase will be refunded within 30 days of your consult. All procedures purchased online must have their corresponding consult booked within two months of the date of purchase.