#nofilter Treatment
What is the #nofilter treatment?
The #nofilter treatment is a new combination treatment exclusively offered at A E Skin that is designed by Dr. Alex to provide our patients with improved results. The #nofilter treatment combines a Forever Young BBL IPL Photofacial treatment with an Ultra Microneedling treatment. An IPL Photofacial treatment is a laser treatment that uses bright light to target and destroy unwanted dark spots, redness, and broken capillaries. It can also be used to tighten the skin, treat acne, and removal hair. Utra Microneedling is a treatment designed by Dr. Alex to treat a variety of concerns in a single treatment. Ultra Microneedling is stronger than a facial or a light peel, but gentler than more aggressive laser treatments such as traditional fractional CO2 laser resurfacing. It is ideal for those who want to prevent premature aging or those desiring a simple maintenance treatment.
What is the difference between traditional microneedling and Ultra Microneedling?
In traditional microneedling, as its name implies, tiny needles are used to make small holes in the skin. This stimulates your body to form its own natural, new, fresh, and healthy collagen. Ultra Microneedling is better than traditional microneedling because Dr. Alex uses a laser technology to create the holes. This has a number of advantages:
- Precision. Ultra Microneedling is more precise than traditional microneedling.
- Improved Results. Ultra Microneedling also creates heat in the skin, which helps to further stimulate collagen formation, leading to better results. Traditional microneedling does not create heat and does not stimulate as much collagen.
- Faster Treatment. The Ultra Microneeedling treatment takes less than five minutes. Traditional microneedling can take 15 to 30 minutes.
- Shorter Recovery. The holes created with Ultra Microneedling are smaller than those with traditional microneedling; this allows for a shorter recovery period.
- Customization. With Ultra Microneedling a number of settings can be adjusted to customize the treatment for each individual. For example, the depth of the holes and space between holes can be adjusted, as well as the amount of heat generated. Ultra Microneedling is a medical grade treatment that is not to be performed by an aesthetician.
- No bleeding. When the laser is used, the heat generated prevents bleeding from occurring.
What does the #nofilter treatment do?
The #nofilter treatment addresses a variety of concerns:
- Dark spots
- Sun spots and age spots
- Redness and broken capillaries
- Rosacea
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Enlarged pores
- Acne and acne scars
- Unwanted hair removal
- Irregular or rough surface texture
- Loose skin
- Sun damage
- Stretch marks
The #nofilter treatment can be done on many areas:
- Face
- Neck
- Chest
- Backs of the hands
- Belly
- Arms
- Legs
#nofilter Treatment Testimonial
#nofilter Treatment Testimonial
#nofilter Treatment Testimonial
#nofilter Treatment Testimonial
What happens during the #nofilter treatment?
Before your #nofilter treatment the area to be treated will be washed and we will take pictures of you to monitor your progress. Then we apply numbing cream to the area that will be treated with the #nofilter treatment and let it sit for about 15 minutes. The numbing cream is removed and the area is cleaned with special solutions. We will place eye protection over your eyes before your #nofilter treatment. You will see a bright light; just keep your eyes closed during the first step of the #nofilter treatment: the IPL Photofacial treatment. We will apply cold gel on your skin to transmit the light and blow cold air on your skin to keep you comfortable during the IPL Photofacial treatment. The IPL Photofacial treatment feels like a hot rubber band snapping on your skin. Dr. Alex uses the Sciton Forever Young BBL device which has a number of benefits. The Sciton Forever Young BBL IPL Photofacial can treat all skin types from fair to dark. The Sciton Forever Young BBL device has a large spot size and a fast repetition rate, making your IPL Photofacial treatment fast and easy. Dr. Alex also uses collagen settings during your IPL Photofacial treatment to improve the texture of your skin. After the IPL Photofacial treatment, we will remove your eye protection, clean the gel off your skin, and provide you with a different eye protection for the second step of the #nofilter treatment: the Ultra Microneedling treatment. We will blow cold air on your skin to keep you comfortable during the Ultra Microneedling treatment. The Ultra Microneedling treatment feels like a pins and needles sensation on your skin and takes only a few minutes. After your #nofilter treatment, we will remove your eye protection, clean your skin, and apply a hydrating sheet mask on your skin for about 15 minutes to decrease the redness. We then apply aftercare products and sunscreen.
#nofilter Demonstration - Face
#nofilter Treatment Demonstration - Neck
Sciton Forever Young BBL IPL Photofacial Device
When will I see the results of my #nofilter treatment?
You will see the results of your #nofilter treatment slowly over time. Dr. Alex recommends a series of six #nofilter treatments done every four to eight weeks. After that, Dr. Alex recommends a single maintenance #nofilter treatment every three months. Some people see significant improvement after a single #nofilter treatment.
How long will the results of my #nofilter treatment last?
Dr. Alex recommends a series of six #nofilter treatments done every four to eight weeks. After that, Dr. Alex recommends a single maintenance #nofilter treatment every three months. This is because your skin slowly accumulates sun damage every day. The first six #nofilter treatments will treat most of the damage your skin has accumulated in your life. Maintenance #nofilter treatments will keep your skin looking healthy and youthful.
What should I do after a #nofilter treatment?
After a #nofilter treatment, avoid heat exposure, alcohol consumption, and strenuous exercise for 24 hours. Heat exposure refers to staying outdoors for prolonged periods in the hot sun. Also avoid hot environments indoors such as a hot bath, sauna or steam room. Additionally, avoid hot or spicy foods or drinks such as soup, hot coffee, and hot tea (iced coffee and iced tea are okay). Strenuous exercise is anything that causes you to sweat or become short of breath. All of these things can cause problems like redness, blisters, and discoloration. Please avoid applying makeup on the area for at least 24 hours after a #nofilter treatment because your skin will be sensitive. Your skin may be red or swollen for a day or two after a #nofilter treatment. This is normal. You can apply cold compresses like ice packs on the area treated with the #nofilter treatment to keep yourself comfortable. Sometimes dark spots get darker before they get lighter. This is also normal and can take up to two weeks after a #nofilter treatment; this process is slower when areas other than the face are treated. Apply a broad spectrum (UVA and UVB protection) sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every day to protect your skin. We will provide you aftercare products to use for about a week after your #nofilter treatment. Spray your skin with the A E Skin Green Tea Essentials Soothing Chamomile Mist and while the skin is still wet, apply a thin layer of the A E Skin Green Tea Essentials Healing Ointment. This will help with your recovery after your #nofilter treatment. Do this at least twice a day for a week after your #nofilter treatment. For faster healing, you can repeat this process as often as every hour while awake. If you have oily skin or acne prone skin, be careful when applying the A E Skin Green Tea Essentials Healing ointment because applying too thick a layer can clog your pores and cause breakouts.
Additional Notes:
This is a service to be performed at the A E Skin office in Encino, CA. Patients must be in overall good health. Patients cannot be pregnant, breast feeding, or trying to become pregnant. Patients may not have used Accutane within the last 12 months. New patients must complete medical history paperwork and have a consultation (which may be done on the day of treatment). Patients must sign consent form for each treatment. As with all medical treatments provided by A E Skin, treatment itself if performed at the discretion of Dr. Alex Eshaghian. If you are a not a candidate for the procedure purchased, your purchase will be refunded within 30 days of your consult. All procedures purchased online must have their corresponding consult booked within two months of the date of purchase.